Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Healthcare

AI is bettering diagnostics, clinical infrastructure, and preventative care. The authorities and medical profession are already changing attitudes, regulations, and the underlying technology. The Chinese company Lenovo is changing and…
Exploring Education

Exploring Education

Augmented Reality (AR) is no longer just a concept from science fiction movies; it has become a reality that is changing the way we interact with the world around us.…
The Continued Hostility To Remote Working

The Continued Hostility To Remote Working

Since the corporate world was forced to compromise, it’s now intent on making hybrid workers as absolutely miserable as possible. I think it’s fair to say that us progressive engineers,…
Ways to Invest in Green Energy

Ways to Invest in Green Energy

Save the world The demand for cleaner sources of energy has been increasing. More people are aware of the need to find alternative sources of energy and countries are beginning…